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⒈ 兽名。 引 《尔雅·释兽》:"貘,白豹。 三国吴陆玑《毛诗草木鸟兽虫鱼疏·羔裘豹饰》:"毛白而文黑,谓之白豹。" 明李时珍《本草纲目·兽二·豹》﹝集解﹞引苏颂曰:"《尔雅》有白豹,即貘也,毛白而文白文豹 白文豹 ,张靓颖 台湾 张靓颖 台湾 Mum labelled 'trashy' for making 'innocent' kid's toys swear but some disagree Parenting A parent has come under fire on Reddit for a video showing them using their child's toy letters to spell out a swear word and asking the little one to try and say it